Memorize the scriptures on worship that Courtney assigns you and recite them for her.
Read Chapters 1-3 of Story Shaped Worship by Robbie F. Castleman (75 pages)
Watch “Leading Worship” and “Worship Band Workshop” DVD’s by Paul Baloche
Interview Mack. Find out what his non-negotiable are for leading worship. Submitting to your spiritual authority is the most important thing for a worship leader.
Interview 3 of your favorite worship leaders. Use the Worship Leader Interview Sheet. Feel free to add questions. It can be done via e-mail if you already have a relationship with the leader.
Make a ministerial resume for yourself. Send it to your coach for input.
Write out your personal definition of worship with supporting scriptures.
Put together a Theology Check team within XA. Commit to only leading songs that all lyrics have been backed up biblically.
Plan a worship set based on what you have learned in this module, and ask the other worship leaders to analyze the set. Use the Worship Leader Analysis Sheet.
Ask your coach what his/her theology of worship is. Discuss how you two will best work together.
After completing all the tasks in this module, talk with your coach about leading worship.