Watch “I have a Friend who…Thinks All Religions are the Same.” by Willow Creek (1 hr) (Check out from Mack)
Call to ask if you can visit a local mosque, temple or shrine and inquire as to the best time. Be sure to explain that you’re a Christian minister in training and that you want to understand Buddhism/Islam/ Hinduism/etc better so that you never accidentally misrepresent it.
Have a conversation with a follower of one of the other religions about their view of Christianity.
Ask one of the ministry’s student leaders if they think devout practitioners of whichever group you studied go to hell.
After completing all of these tasks, have a final conversation with your coach about Christianity and other religions.
Choose Buddhism, Hinduism or Islam and read the corresponding chapter in The World’s Religions by Huston Smith. This book is by a non-Christian scholar of religion, and is an excellent guide to the great religions of the world.
Read a holy book corresponding to the faith you chose above.
Islam – The Koran
Buddhism – The Dhammapada
Hinduism – The Bhagavad-Gita (NOTE: this is not “The Bhagavad-Gita As It Is” – that’s a different book altogether)
Read Jim and Casper Go to Church: Frank Conversation about Faith, Churches, and Well-Meaning Christiansby Jim Henderson and Matt Casper